Thelocactus tulensis var. matudae (Sánchez-Mej. & A.B.Lau) E.F.Anderson식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 10. 22. 12:53
국표에는 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Mexico, San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas.
Neotype: At KM14 on highway 101 between Tula and the junction at hy. 80 in Tamaulipas
Altitude: 1200 to 1900 metres above sea level
Habitat: Grows in the matorral xerofilo on limestone hills in the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion.Synonyms:
- Thelocactus tulensis (Poselg.) Britton & Rose
Description: Thelocactus tulensis is a globular and strongly tubercled cactus with larger white to puple flowers. It is a very variable polymorphic species which comprises innumerable geographical forms linked one to each others by populations of plants with intermediate characteristics. Such variations has led to establishment of several unnecessary names for this species.
Habit: Thelocactus tulensis is a geophyte succulent plant simple or branching at the top and sides when old, and sometime abundantly cespitose
Stem: Depressed to globose (or somewhat elongated in cultivation), 2,5-25 cm tall, 6-18 in diameter, glaucous green, dark olive green, brownish or magenta and strongly tuberculate.
Ribs: 8 to 13 strongly tuberculate with small distinct connecting ribs between tubercles of the same vertical row.
Tubercles: Plump, very prominent, but quite variable in shape and size, 10-30 mm wide and 12-25 mm tall, conical rounded or somewhat angular in cross section.
Areoles: 2-9 mm long, 2-6 mm wide, 12-35 mm apart, with partially developed grooves,
without nectar secreting glands.
Spines: Acicular, straw coloured, whitish or brownish red, becoming grey with age, evenly distributed on the stem, straight to twisted, flattened.
Central spines: 1 to 7 grey to reddish vertical and straight-projecting, 2-7 cm long.
Radial spines: 4 to 12 radiating straight or more or less recurved, 7-15 mm long.
Root system: Fat underground tap root.
Flowers: Diurnal, silver white, pink or purple with darker mid-stripes, 2,5-5 cm long and 3,5-8 cm wide. Tube very short.
Blooming season: Early summer.
Fruit: Spherical to oblong up to 10 cm in diameter, green to brown opening by basal pore.
Seeds: 1,6-2,7 mm long and o,6-1,7 mm wide, testa cells tabular net patterned with a verrucose surface sculpture.Thelocactus tulensis var. matudae (llifle.com)
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