Oxalis stellata Eckl. & Zeyh.-pink식물/들꽃-괭이밥과(Oxalidaceae) 2022. 9. 27. 21:33
stipitate or caulescent, glabrous; bulb ovate, blackish, with smooth scales; stem somewhat branched at base, scaly; terminal leaves crowded, with slender petioles; leaflets deeply bilobed, lobes linear, divaricate; peduncles terminal, longer than the leaves, umbellately 2–6-flowered; sepals lanceolate, callous at the point, 3–4 times shorter than the corolla. null
Oxalis stellata in Global Plants on JSTOR
Geophyte to 9 cm, bulb beaked. Leaves terminal, trifoliolate, leaflets deeply bilobed. Flowers 3--6 per peduncle, rosy or white with yellow tube. Apr.--June. 50--400 m, NW, SW, LB, SE (Cape Peninsula to Ceres and Port Elizabeth).
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