Silene flos-cuculi 'Jenny'식물/들꽃-석죽과(Caryophyllaceae) 2022. 4. 29. 11:02
국표에는 없다.
Common Name: ragged robinType: Herbaceous perennialFamily: CaryophyllaceaeZone: 5 to 8Height: 0.75 to 1.50 feetSpread: 1.00 to 1.50 feetBloom Time: May to JulyBloom Description: Lavender pinkSun: Full sun to part shadeWater: Medium to wetMaintenance: LowSuggested Use: NaturalizeFlower: ShowyAttracts: ButterfliesCultureEasily grown in average, medium to wet soils, in full sun to part shade. Plants prefer sunny sites with moist, moderately fertile loams. Part afternoon shade is best in hot summer climates. Species plants can self seed abundantly in the landscape.
‘Petitie Jenny’ is a sterile cultivar which will not re-seed in the garden.Noteworthy Characteristics
Silene flos-cuculi, commonly known as ragged robin or cuckoo flower, is an upright herbaceous perennial of the pink family that typically grows in the wild to 12-30” tall in moist open meadows of Europe. More specifically, it is native to damp marshy areas, floodplains, bogs, ditches and marshes throughout most of Europe with concentrations in Great Britain and Ireland, but it has also escaped cultivation and naturalized throughout northeastern North America (Quebec and Ontario to North Carolina) plus Washington and Montana. In the U.S., it is typically found in moist but non-wetland areas. Once established, it will perform surprisingly well in some drier soils.
Ragged robin features a narrow rosette of stalked, spathulate to oblanceolate, bristly-hairy, gray-green, basal leaves from which sticky-hairy, sparsely-branched stems rise well above the foliage to 24-30” tall. Middle and upper stems are clad at the nodes with pairs of stalkless, untoothed, narrow-lanceolate leaves (to 3” long and 1/2” wide). Star-shaped, rose-pink (rarely white) flowers (to 1 1/2” across) bloom in terminal clusters primarily from May to early July, but sometimes continue with a sparse sporadic additional bloom throughout the remaining summer. Each flower has five petals, with each petal being deeply cut into 4 narrow segments.
Lychnis flos-cuculi, Lychinis coronaria and Agrostemma flos-cuculi are former names and current synonyms of the within plant.
Genus name means catchfly or campion.
Specific epithet means flower-of-the-cuckoo in reference to the bloom time occurring in spring (May) when cuckoos are first heard in Britain and Ireland.
Common name of ragged robin is in reference to the ragged appearance of its lobed flower petals. Common name of cuckoo flower is in reference to bloom time coinciding with spring activity by cuckoo birds in Europe.
‘Petite Jenny’, discovered at Bressingham Gardens in England, is a tufted, double-flowered, lavender pink cultivar that rises to only 14” tall with a spread to 18” wide. It is a dwarf form of the popular Silene flos-cuculi ‘Jenny’. Flowers are sterile, so this plant will not reseed. Bloom period usually extends from late spring to early summer. Reblooming is rare to sporadic.Silene flos-cuculi 'Petite Jenny' - Plant Finder (missouribotanicalgarden.org)
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