
  • Chamaedorea seifrizii Burret
    식물/들꽃-야자나무과(Arecaceae) 2022. 1. 2. 12:01
    과명 Arecaceae (야자나무과) 속명 Chamaedorea (카매도레아속)
    전체학명 Chamaedorea seifrizii Burret 추천명 대나무야자
    이명   외국명 Reed 

    추천명변경: 세이프리지야자 -> 대나무야자

    Has long bamboo-like canes. The canes grow to form a dense clusters of fronds with, dark green to grey leaves. Chamaedorea seifrizii, resembles bamboo in appearance.

    It grows to about 7 feet. Usually plants sold in nurseries or seen in collections are clustering with about 20 or 30 individual plants. Each stem is long and slender with "nodes" very similar in appearance to Bamboo. Although plants are commercially clumped together to form shrub-like specimens, this palm naturally spreads by suckers or offshoots also similar to Bamboo. The stems are tall and have about 10-15 fronds each with about 12 dark green pinnate leaflets. As the old fronds die, these should be trimmed off and the leaf bases or sheath allowed to dry out. Later these should be removed as this promotes good plant hygiene and exposes the attractive light green "bamboo stem".

    Very easy to grow and maintain. As with most palms, the soil should be well drained. Applying household fertilizer in the summer months will keep these palms green and healthy. The main insect problem with this palm is Spider Mite, which usually occurs in very dry areas indoors mostly in the winter months. As the webs produced are virtually invisible until it has damaged the plant significantly, a light but thorough spray mixture of water, alcohol and Safer's Soap applied once a week should prevent this. Mealy Bug, Scale, Gliocladium blight and Phytopthora bud rot can also affect this palm but they far less commonly seen. Light: Thrives in low indoor light but can tolerate some sunlight if acclimated. Moisture: Keep evenly moist but not consistently wet. Hardiness: USDA Zones 10 - 12. Propagation: By seed which takes 6 months or more to germinate. Propagation by removing the suckers or offshoots from the parent plant is also common.

    Chamaedorea seifrizii - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide





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