Hamelia patens Jacq.식물/들꽃-꼭두서니과(Rubiaceae) 2022. 1. 1. 12:59
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHamelia patens is a large perennial shrub or small tree in the family Rubiaceae, that is native to the American subtropics and tropics. Its range extends from Florida in the southern United States to as far south as Argentina. Common names include firebush, hummingbird bush, scarlet bush, and redhead. In Belize, this plant's Mayan name is Ix Canaan and is also known as "Guardian of the Forest".
Growth Form Semi-woody shrub up to 3.7 m tall. Foliage Leaves are usually decussate, or arranged in whorls of 3, but sometimes up to 7. Young leaves are covered in red, woolly hairs which are lost as the leaves mature. Interpetiolar stipules triangular, falls at early stage (caducous). Flowers This plant is free-flowering. The orange-red flowers are arranged in cymes, clusters of flowers that occur at the end of forking floral stalks (terminal). Each flower has small and triangular lobes on a narrow tube (2.5 - 3.8 cm long) with swollen base. Fruits Black, oval to globose, berry-like fruits are fleshy (1.3 cm long). Fruits are yellowish to red at first, and mature to dark blue - black. Cultivation Although this shrub can tolerate shade, it produces much less flowers than under full sun. It is moderately drought tolerant, but grows best under regular watering. It cannot grow in saline soils. Ethnobotanical Uses Edible Plant Parts (Edible Fruits)
Medicinal ( All plant parts have medicinal properties and used to treat wide range of ailments. Also possess anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Decoction from leaves, stems and flowers drunk to relieve menstrual cramps, or applied externally to treat skin problems like sores, rashes, burns and insects bites. Leaves have cooling effect and are chewed on a hot day as prevention againsty heat stroke in Venezuela. Also used to treat dysentery, fever, pain and headaches. )https://youtu.be/H4h3yxeEkO4?t=149
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