코로키아 코토네아스테르식물/들꽃-에스칼로니아과(Escalloniacea) 2021. 12. 19. 11:18
과명 Escalloniaceae (에스칼로니아과) 속명 Corokia (코로키아속) 전체학명 Corokia cotoneaster Raoul 추천명 코로키아 코토네아스테르 이명 외국명 Wire netting bush 추천명변경: 코토네아스테르코로키아 -> 코로키아 코토네아스테르 국표에 Corokia속은 두종이다.
Corokia cotoneaster Raoul
Corokia cotoneaster 'Little Prince'
두 종의 차이점은 어렵다.
Corokia cotoneaster is a flowering plant in the family Argophyllaceae. Which was described by Étienne Fiacre Louis Raoul in 1846. This plant is commonly known as the wire-netting bush, korokio, or korokia-tarango. The word "Koriko" comes from the Māori language.
Corokia cotoneaster is a highly branched shrub with a strongly divaricating habit with rough dark-colored bark, usually growing to about 3 m in height. Common variable shrubs with thin gray zig-zag twigs that contain small white clusters underneath with dented or rounded edges and on flat, black petioles. Yellow flowers, star-shaped and red fruits. The leaves are variable, depending on altitude and to the degree of exposure to wind, and are obvo-cuneate to obovate-oblong, 2–15 cm long and 1–10 cm wide. The leaves of juveniles are long and spathulate with 3 lobes. Flowers are borne in leaf axils or terminally in groups of 2 to 4 flowers with bright yellow petals. The main flowering season is December to January.
Global range
Corokia cotoneaster is a native and endemic plant in New Zealand. Related species can be found on several small islands around the Pacific Islands.
New Zealand range
Corokia cotoneaster is most commonly found throughout the North and South Islands in New Zealand.
Habitat preference
Corokia cotoneaster prefers to survive in areas that are not wet. This plant likes to grow and develop in dry, rocky, and dense soils. Therefore, this species is very fertile in dry areas such as in the hills, rocky mountains, and in dry land.
Corokia cotoneaster - Wikipedia
참고 : 겨울 햇빛과 바람을 좋아하는 한 폭의 그림 같은 실내 식물 마오리 코로키아 - 월간원예 (hortitimes.com)
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