Ranunculus asiaticus white-흰라넌큘러스식물/들꽃-미나리아재비과(Ranunculaceae) 2019. 3. 19. 18:30
흰라넌큘러스 ranunculus asiaticus white 국표에는 없다. Heavily layered tissue-like petals. Big 3″-5″ flowers. All of our ranunculus are jumbo. Plant claws down to 1″ to 2″ deep, 3″ to 5″ apart in Oct. or Nov. Soak tubers for no more than 2 hours in tepid water and root stimulator before planting, Water well; then keep moist for first 2-3 weeks. https://www.gchouston.org/bulb-plant-mart/ranunculus-ranunculus..