Nymphaea caerulea Jardin des Martels식물/들꽃-수련과(Nymphaeaceae) 2021. 11. 3. 11:38
The Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a species of aquatic plants in the Nymphaeaceae family. It is not a real Lotus whose genus is Nelumbo, which is part of the Nelumbonaceae family. This plant is culturally essential in ancient Egypt. Nymphaea caerulea is an aquatic plant fixed in the mud, possessing floating leaves and emergent, brilliantly colored flowers, whose blue-purplish petals..
NYMPHAEA 'PINK CAPENSIS'식물/들꽃-수련과(Nymphaeaceae) 2021. 9. 28. 17:41
Nymphaea ‘Capensis’ Do you need a way to brighten up your pond or water garden? If so, consider adding a gorgeous Pink Capensis Day Blooming Lily to the fold! The Pink Capensis Day Blooming Lily flourishes with full sun and is a prolific bloomer with soft pink flowers and green speckled leaves. This lily is perfect for a beginner that is trying to add appeal to their pond or water garden. Also, ..