LA Lilium
Lilium ‘Forza Red’식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2021. 6. 20. 14:10
국표에는 없다. LA Lilium ‘Forza Red’ is a lovely deep colour that borders on maroon. A stand out with oranges and whites. LA and Asiatic Liliums are hardy cultivars with bright, colourful, upward facing flowers and little to no fragrance. The stems average 4-8 blooms, with numbers increasing as the bulbs establish. They make excellent cut flowers and are really easy to grow. Choose a humus rich, well ..
LILIUM TRUMPET PALAZZO식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2020. 7. 6. 15:31
Rich red/purple petals and a beautiful fragrance make this one of our favourites! A strong and vigorous grower with long lasting flowers that do not fade. OT Liliums, or Oriental Trumpet Hybrids, are the result of crossing Oriental lilies with Trumpet lilies in an effort to increase the colour range of the orientals without sacrificing the fragrance. This has certainly been a success with the mo..