Cliftonia monophylla식물/들꽃-키릴라과(Cyrillaceae) 2023. 4. 29. 12:18
국표에 없다. Description This plant is an evergreen plant and likes sun to partial shade as well as moist to wet, sandy soil. It forms a crooked, multi-stemmed tree. This plant colonizes. Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics:Broadleaf EvergreenLeaf Color:GreenLeaf Feel:LeatheryLeaf Type:SimpleLeaf Arrangement:OppositeHairs Present:NoLeaf Length:1-3 inchesLeaf Description:This plant has opposite, simple, ..
데저트아이언우드-[정명]Olneya tesota A. Gray식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2022. 12. 12. 11:14
2022-12-12에는 국표에 없었으나 2024-09-24 국표에는 [ 데저트아이언우드]라는 국명으로 등재과명앵글러- Fabaceae (콩과) 속명Olneya (올네이아속)전체학명[정명] Olneya tesota A.Gray추천명데저트아이언우드Broadleaf evergreen tree or shrub; spiny, short trunked and a dense, wide spreading crown. It may reach a height of 30 ft (9 m) or more (the National Champion is 44 ft tall). In younger trees, the bark is gray, shiny, and smooth; in older trees the bark is brok..