Helianthus x multiflorus ‘Sunshine ‘Daydream’식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2022. 6. 21. 18:27
국표에는 없다. Perennial sunflower 'Sunshine Daydream' Sunflowers are stunning annuals or perennials which vary in height, flower size and colour. Well known as being easy to grow, where there is room for them, they make a bold and impressive display. 'Sunshine Daydream' has fully double blooms with petals that re-curve toward the stem Helianthus x multiflorus 'Sunshine Daydream', Perennial sunflower ..
돼지감자? 뚱딴지?-1나의 식물이야기 2020. 9. 30. 17:16
2019.06.06 검색에서는국가표준식물목록에는 재배식물정명Helianthus tuberosus L.돼지감자2017/12/18귀화식물정명Helianthus tuberosus L.뚱딴지2014/08/04 http://www.nature.go.kr/kpni/stndasrch/dtl/selectNtnStndaPlantList2.do?mn=KFS_29_06_01&orgId=kpni 돼지감자 둥딴지 같은 종으로 알고 있었다.학명은 같은데 국명은 다르다.재배식물은 돼지감자요 귀화식물은 뚱딴지라모르겠네.blog.daum.net/shinh-k791104/8828 2020.09.30 검색에서는 재배식물정명Helianthus mollis Lam.솜털해바라기2011/12/08재배식물정명Helianthus salicifoli..