Exacum affine
Exacum affine Royal Dane식물/들꽃-용담과(Gentianaceae) 2022. 6. 10. 19:35
국표에는 Exacum affine Balf.f. ex Regel 위 한 종이다. 이 학명으로는 없다. New in 2017 from PanAmerican - Exacum affine Royal Dane A beautifully flowering compact plant that can be grown as a houseplant as well as an annual for the garden. Sweetish aroma of flowers, glossy bright green foliage, regular spherical shape of the bush, bright flowers with contrasting yellow middles, plus - a fairly simple care! Height..
Exacum affine식물/들꽃-용담과(Gentianaceae) 2020. 3. 31. 18:01
Exacum affine Persian violet Exacum affine (syn. Exacum socotranum, Exacum gracilipes) known commercially as the Persian violet, is a species of plant in the family Gentianaceae. It is endemic to Socotra, part of Yemen, though its popularity and cultivation around the world have made it an occasional greenhouse weed. Its natural habitat is rocky areas. A small herbaceous bienn..