Balbisia microphylla (Phil.) Reiche
Balbisia microphylla (Phil.) Reiche식물/들꽃-프랑코아과(Francoaceae) 2023. 6. 9. 06:11
국표에 없다. 3. Balbisia microphylla (Phil.) Reiche (1896: 586) [Reiche, Flora de Chile 1, 1896: 294] Holotype: [ CHILE. I. Región, de Tarapacá:] Tarapacá, Sibaya , 18 March 1885, Philippi s.n. ( SGO, photograph Field Museum, neg. nr. 51155!, isotype B †). Ξ Ledocarpon microphyllum Philippi (1891: 11) . Balbisia microphylla is the most readily characterized species due to its minute leaflets on its s..
Balbisia sp.식물/들꽃-프랑코아과(Francoaceae) 2022. 11. 22. 16:53
국표에 없다. Balbisia is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the family Francoaceae. It is also in the Vivianiaceae subfamily. The genus is distributed across is Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru in southern South America. As accepted by Kew; Balbisia aphanifolia (Griseb.) Hunz. & Ariza Balbisia calycina (Griseb.) Hunz. & Ariza Balbisia gracilis (Meyen) Hunz. & Ariza Balbisia integrifolia R.Knu..