Aloysia macrostachya
Aloysia macrostachya (Torr.) Moldenke식물/들꽃-마편초과(Verbenaceae) 2024. 10. 25. 16:15
국표에 없다.DescriptionAloysia macrostachya (also called Large-Spike Lippia, among many other common names) is a species of shrub native to Argentina and Uruguay. It is a small shrub with thin, cylindrical stems and small, ovate leaves. It grows in humid forests at elevations of 1000-2000 m.Uses & BenefitsAloysia macrostachya is used as an ornamental plant in gardens, for its attractive foliage and f..
Aloysia macrostachya (Torr.) Moldenke식물/들꽃-마편초과(Verbenaceae) 2022. 12. 7. 12:30
국표에 없다. Vara Dulce has fragrant purple flower spikes from spring through fall. Its leaves are larger and more hairy than those of whitebrush (A. gratissima) and have a strong scent reminiscent of thyme or oregano when crushed. In Texas it grows only in the Rio Grande Plains, on rocky hillsides and dry arroyos. It is a tall, erect shrub with many branches, sometimes growing as high as 12 feet. Li..