프라그란스드라세나식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2016. 9. 17. 13:41
프라그란스드라세나 과명Liliaceae (백합과) 속명Dracaena (드라세나속)전체학명Dracaena fragrans KerGawl.추천명 프라그란스드라세나 이명 외국명 Shrub or tree, 1.5–15 m high; stem single, up to 30 cm in diameter, or in forest often with a mass of horizontal stems near the ground from which vertical stems arise. Leaves strap-shaped to oblanceolate, sessile, (7–)20–150 cm long, 2–12 cm wide, base attenuate, widening for 2–5 cm and sheathing the..