Echeveria ‘Mauna Loa’식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2020. 3. 20. 11:37
국표에는 없다. Echeveria ‘Mauna Loa’ Once mature Echeveria ‘Mauna Loa’ can have a Cabbage like form similar to ‘Curly Locks’ but this variety also has the added bonus of a pinkish hue similar to ‘Duchess of Nuremburg’, the foliage is a green to blueish grey. Said to be originally bred by Dick Wright, we have found that this plant does seem to blemish in too much direct sunlight, so maybe best in dappl..
에키베리아 니크셔나-Echeveria nicksana식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 12. 9. 12:46
에케베리아 니크셔나-Echeveria nicksana 中文学名:妮可莎娜(锦牡丹) 拉丁学名:Echeveria nicksana 科:景天科 属:拟石莲花属 形态特征: 妮可莎娜(锦牡丹)Echeveria nicksana又称作“锦牡丹”,和红化妆长得非常像,差别在于妮可莎娜的叶子比红化妆“毛”,也就是红化妆的叶子比较光滑,妮可莎娜叶片磨砂状。除此,妮可莎娜所镶的边没有红化妆那样鲜艳,而这个真的要仔细观察才看的出来,不然也是会误认为同一种的。 生长习性: 妮可莎娜(锦牡丹)极喜日照,夏季遮阳后容易徒长,小编家中的妮可已徒成鬼,唉说多了都是泪。 栽培技术: 妮可莎娜是很好栽培的品种,价格也普通,但不是市场上常见的肉,因为生长速度和红化妆一样都很慢。需要提醒大家:顶生芽一定是花芽,基部芽才是侧芽,所以不要搞混了。但是,如果真的把花苞芽剪下来扦插也没关系,因为花芽本来就是可以用来繁..
입전-pachyveria scheideckeri var.albocarinata식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 12. 5. 20:29
입전 pachyveria scheideckeri var.albocarinata 국표에는 학명도 국명도 없다. Scheideckeri (engl./ fr.) Hybrid by De Smet, first mentioned 1877. Parentage : Pachyphytum bracteosum x Echeveria secunda History of xPachyveria 'Scheideckeri' Dutch article by J. C. van Keppel in Succulenta 1962 Note : xPachyveria ‘Scheideckeri’ is a very variable hybrid producing smaller or larger normal rosettes as well as rosettes ..
라우린제-echeveria 'laulindsa'식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 12. 4. 13:26
라우린제 echeveria 'laulindsa' 라우린제 국표에는 없다. Echeveria 'Laulindsa' - A beautiful slow growing cultivar that forms a mostly solitary stemless rosette 8 to 12 inches across with thick 4 inch long spathulate gray leaves with reddish margins with the surfaces of the leaves covered with a powdery-white waxy coating. The 1 foot long flowering stems branch and arch over with small salmon pink flowers that ..
에케베리아 '빅터레이터'식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 11. 14. 20:16
에케베리아 '빅터레이터' 국표에는 없다. Echeveria agavoides ‘Victor Reiter’ Echeveria ‘Victor Reiter’ Description Echeveria ‘Victor Reiter’ is a stunning hybrid Echeveria agavoides. It is a slow, compact plant that offsets only slowly, it is quite hardy and suitable for growing outside in temperate climates. https://surrealsucculents.co.uk/product/echeveria-agavoides-victor-reiter/ E. agavoides ‘Prolifera’ X E. ..
블루엘프식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2017. 4. 1. 10:39
블루엘프 쪽지 같은 팻말에 블루엘프라고 소개되었다. 물론 학명없이 블루엘프 국명으로는 국표에는 없고 인터넷 검색을 통해 Sedeveria 'Blue Elf'라는 것을 국표에서는 검색이 되지 않는다. Sedeveria 속을 검색했으나 없다. 돌나물과 21속에는 없다. 실제 세어보니 24속이었다. 5 Crassulaceae 돌나물과 21 208 1.Sedum 2.Orostachys 3.Rhodiola 4.Tillaea 5.Hylotelephium 6.Penthorum 7.Meterostachys 8.Cotyledon 9.Bulliarda 10.Crassula 11.Umbilicus 12.Tillaeastrum 13.Echeveria 14.Aichryson 15.Aeonium 16.Adromischus 17...