Agapanthus Headbourne Hybrid Blue식물/들꽃-수선화과(Amaryllidaceae) 2020. 7. 12. 15:53
Other common names African lily Headbourne hybrids Family Agapanthaceae Genus Agapanthus are clump-forming perennials with narrowly strap-shaped leaves, evergreen in some species, and erect stems bearing umbels of funnel-shaped blue or white flowers Details Headbourne Hybrids are a variable group of generally hardy, bulb-like perennials with narrowly strap-shaped leaves and rounded clusters of f..
아가판서스'실버 에로우'식물/들꽃-수선화과(Amaryllidaceae) 2017. 7. 11. 16:04
아가판서스'실버 에로우' 국표에는 없다. Other common names African lily [Silver Moon] Synonyms Agapanthus 'Silver Moon' Family Agapanthaceae Genus Agapanthus are clump-forming perennials with narrowly strap-shaped leaves, evergreen in some species, and erect stems bearing umbels of funnel-shaped blue or white flowers Details Silver Moon is a herbaceous perennial, up to 60cm high, with green leaves edged with cre..
아프리카누스아가판서스식물/들꽃-백합과(Liliaceae) 2016. 8. 30. 20:06
아프리카누스아가판서스 무엇으로 동정해야할까?지극히 주관적이다.자신이 없다.생각해보았다. ;다름;비슷함 1.Agapanthus 'Underway' 아가판서스 '언더웨이' Agapanthus 'Underway' was named for 'Underway', the garden of the plantsman Norman Hadden. It produces umbels(산형) of pretty soft pale blue(옅은 푸른색) flowers above lu..