네펜테스 메릴리아나-Nepenthes merrilliana식물/들꽃-벌레잡이풀과(Nepenthaceae) 2022. 5. 17. 13:58
과명 Nepenthaceae (벌레잡이풀과) 속명 Nepenthes (벌레잡이풀속) 전체학명 [정명] Nepenthes merrilliana Macfarl. 추천명 네펜테스 메릴리아나 이명 네펜데스 메릴리아나 외국명 추천명변경: 메릴리아나벌레잡이풀 -> 네펜테스 메릴리아나 Nepenthes merrilliana (/nɪˈpɛnθiːz mɛˌrɪliˈɑːnə/; after Elmer Drew Merrill) is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines. It produces some of the largest pitchers in the genus, rivalling those of N. rajah. The species is native to nort..
네펜데스 미라빌리스-Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce.식물/들꽃-벌레잡이풀과(Nepenthaceae) 2022. 1. 2. 06:21
국표에는 없다. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nepenthes mirabilis (/nɪˈpɛnθiːz mɪˈræbɪlɪs/; from Latin mirabilis "wonderful"), or the common swamp pitcher-plant and tropical pitcher plant, is a carnivorous plant species. By far the most widespread of all Nepenthes, its range covers continental Southeast Asia and all major islands of the Malay Archipelago (minus the Lesser Sunda Islands and nort..
네펜테스 알라타-Nepenthes alata Blanco식물/들꽃-벌레잡이풀과(Nepenthaceae) 2019. 9. 28. 18:46
네펜테스 알라타 Nepenthes alata Blanco Nepenthes alata ([nɛˈpɛntɛs aˈlata]; Latin: alatus "winged") is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines. Like all pitcher plants, it is carnivorous and uses its nectar to attract insects that drown in the pitcher and are digested by the plant. It is highly polymorphic, and its taxonomy continues to be subject to revisions. N. alata can vary strongly in..
루브라사라케니아-Sarracenia rubra Walter식물/들꽃-사라세니아과(Sarraceniaceae) 2017. 5. 3. 18:05
루브라사라케니아 과명 Sarraceniaceae (사라세니아과) 속명 Sarracenia (사라세니아속) 전체학명 Sarracenia rubra Walter 추천명 루브라사라케니아 이명 외국명 Pitcher plant sweet,Sweet trumpet plant,Sweet pitcher plant Sarracenia rubra, also known as the sweet pitcherplant, is a carnivorous plant in the genus Sarracenia. Like all Sarracenia, it is native to the New World. Its range extends from southern Mississippi, through southern Alabama, the..
네펜테스 '미란다'식물/들꽃-벌레잡이풀과(Nepenthaceae) 2017. 5. 3. 17:13
네펜테스 '미란다' 추천명변경: 벌레잡이풀 '미란다' -> 네펜테스 '미란다' 과명 Droseraceae (끈끈이귀개과) 속명 Nepenthes (벌레잡이풀속) 전체학명 Nepenthes 'Miranda' 추천명 네펜테스 '미란다' 이명 외국명 Nepenthes 'Miranda' is a cultivar of a manmade hybrid involving N. maxima and N. northiana. For some authors it is a more complex hybrid. This perennial carnivorous tropical plant is classified as a Lowland, Intermediate, and sometimes even Highland, due to its..
필리포미스끈끈이주걱식물/들꽃-끈끈이주걱과(Droseraceae) 2017. 5. 3. 16:06
필리포미스끈끈이주걱 과명Droseraceae (끈끈이귀개과) 속명Drosera (끈끈이주걱속)전체학명 Drosera filiformis Raf.추천명필리포미스끈끈이주걱이명외국명 Dew-thread,Sumac thead-leaved,Dew-thread sundew,Thread-leaved sundew Drosera filiformis, commonly known as the thread-leaved sundew, is a small, insectivorous, rosette-forming species ..