수련'루브라'-Nymphaea 'rubra'식물/들꽃-수련과(Nymphaeaceae) 2016. 10. 10. 16:52
수련'루브라' 과명 Nymphaeaceae (수련과) 속명 Nymphaea (수련속) 전체학명 Nymphaea 'rubra' 추천명 수련 '루브라' 이명 외국명 국표에는 없다. The hairy water lily is known as Shapla in Bengali, Kokaa in Hindi and Kumuda in Sanskrit. The leaves of this plant have fuzzy or hairy undersides and the stems are covered by the same hairs as well, hence the name "pubescens" or "hairy" of the species. This is not a characteristic that is apparent..
수련 '코럴 스카이'-Nymphaea 'Coral Sky'식물/들꽃-수련과(Nymphaeaceae) 2016. 10. 10. 11:25
수련 '코럴 스카이' 과명 Nymphaeaceae (수련과) 속명 Nymphaea (수련속) 전체학명 Nymphaea 'Coral Sky' 추천명 수련 '코럴 스카이' 이명 외국명 N. 'Coral Sky' is unique because of its unique flower color. At first glance it looks pink but on closer inspection the color is more autumn than pink. The large flower stands tall and is very full with 40 plus petals. The plant is vigorous and compact and has lively mottled leaves. http://www.fl..