새방울사초-Carex vesicaria L.식물/들꽃-사초과(Cyperaceae) 2020. 10. 21. 14:47
Carex vesicaria is an essentially Holarctic species of sedge known as bladder sedge, inflated sedge, and blister sedge. It has been used to insulate footwear in Norway and among the Sami people, and for basketry in North America Carex vesicaria is a perennial plant with short creeping rhizomes which grow shoots resembling small tufts. It grows to heights of 30 to 120 cm (12 to 47 in). Its stems ..
금촌천의 식물(86-90)금촌천의 생태 2020. 10. 1. 18:40
금촌천의 식물 1.고수 2.끈끈이대나물 3.토끼풀 4.고들빼기 5.애기똥풀 6.개소시랑개비 7.노랑꽃창포 8.지칭개 9.붉은토끼풀 10.큰금계국 11.앵초 12.큰꽃으아리 13.긴병꽃풀 14.개구리자리 15.샤스터데이지 16.이삭사초 17.개갓냉이 18.소리쟁이 19.흰씀바귀 20.메꽃 21.참소리쟁이 22.별꽃 23.매자기 24.기린초 25.돌나물 26.이팝나무 27.다닥냉이 28.아까시나무 29.가시상치 30.꽃창포 31.흰전동싸리 32.개불알풀 33.타래사초 34.자주개밀 35.개밀 36.개쑥갓 37.부처꽃 38.쑥부쟁이 39.포천구절초 40.물수세미 41.애기부들 42.황새냉이 43.유채 44.좁은잎말 45.개망초 46.능소화 47.주름잎 48.기생초 49.애기메꽃 50.미나리 51.벌개미취 52..