흰게발선인장-Zygocactus White Fantasy식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2019. 3. 28. 20:37
흰게발선인장 Zygocactus White Fantasy 국표에 Zygocactus 속은 재배식물 정명 Zygocactus truncatus K.Schum. 게발선인장 2011/12/08 위 한 종이다. Zygocactus White Fantasy은 없다. These beautiful plants have a botanical name that is difficult to pronounce: schlumbergera. They are named after Frédéric Schlumberger, a collector of cacti who lived in a château near Rouen in France in the mid-nineteenth century. Although they are cact..
Zygocactus Dark Eva식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2019. 3. 28. 20:13
Zygocactus Dark Eva Zygocactus Millie Zygocactus caroline 국표에는 Zygocactus truncatus K.Schum. -게발선인장 한 종만 Zygocactus Dark Eva Bright, magenta pink petals softening to white at the centre of the flower. Zygocactus are unbelievably easy to care for plants, and are perfect in pots and hanging baskets. Grow them on the patio, under trees or even indoors. My mother in law had one in a pot that flowere..