Anacampseros retusa식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2020. 11. 5. 12:38
Anacampseros retusa is a species of succulent plant native to the Northern Cape and Western Cape Provinces of South Africa, as well as to Namibia.
An. retusa has a short, thick caudex. Branching stems are about 4 cm long. They are low or level with the ground.
The leaves of this species are not hairy or felted, though they can sometimes have an indistinct tomentum over them. The leaves are dark green, densely-packed, obovate, compact ("retuse") - over one and a half times wider than they are thick, and up to 17 mm long.
Its flowers have pink, thinly-ovate petals and 20-25 stamens, and are born on a short inflorescence.
In contrast, similar smooth-leaved species, such as Anacampseros lanceolata or Anacampseros telephiastrum, have leaves over 18 mm long. Their flowers have broadly-ovate petals and 30-45 stamens.
Anacampseros retusa - Wikipedia
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