
  • 산세베리아-[정명] Sansevieria trifasciata Prain
    식물/들꽃-아스파라거스과(Asparagaceae) 2020. 8. 27. 08:58
    과명 앵글러- Liliaceae (백합과) 속명 Sansevieria (산세베리아속)
    전체학명 [정명] Sansevieria trifasciata Prain 추천명 산세베리아
        영문명 Mother-in-law's tongue,Snake plant

    국표에서는 앵글러- Liliaceae (백합과)다.

    Origin and Habitat: 
    Sansevieria trifasciata is native to to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo, naturalized in Madagascar, India, Indonesia and elsewhere in the tropics. It is considered by some authorities as a potential weed in Australia.

    Habitat: Gardens, yards, edges of forests, old fields, escaped from cultivation.

    ENGLISH: Mother-in-laws Tongue, Snake plant, Saint George's sword, Snake tongue, Bow string hemp, Jinn's tongue, Devil's tongue
    AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Skoonma-se-tong
    CHINESE (中文): 虎尾兰
    EFIK or RIVERAIN IBIBIO (Efik): ọ̀kọ̀nọ̀ékpè
    FINNISH (Suomi): Isoanopinkieli
    HAUSA (Harshen Hausa هَرْشَن هَوْسَ ): guru, móódáá
    IGBO (Asụsụ Igbo): èbùbè agụ́ (majestyof the leopard)
    JAPANESE (日本語): とらのお, サンセベリア
    LUXEMBOURGISH (Lëtzebuergesch): Schwéiermammszongen
    MALAY (بهاس ملاي /Bahasa Melayu ): Lidah biawak
    MALAYALAM (മലയാളം): സർപ്പപ്പോള
    NORMAN ( Nouormand / Normaund): Langue à la belle-méthe
    NORWEGIAN (Bokmål): Svigermorstunge
    PERSIAN (فارسی): زبان مادر شوهر
    POLISH ( Polski): Sansewieria gwinejska
    PORTUGUESE (Português): Espada de São Jorge, Espada-de-são-jorge, Espada-de-santa-bárbara, Sansevieria zeylanica, Língua-de-sogra, Rabo-de-lagarto, Sanseviéria
    RUSSIAN (Русский): Сансевьера треxполосная, Сансевье́ра, Сансевие́ра, Сансевие́рия
    SPANISH (Español): Lengua de vaca, Culebrilla
    SWEDISH (Svenska): Svärmorstunga, Svärmors tunga
    TURKISH (Türkçe): Paşa Kılıcı
    VIETNAMESE (Tiếng Việt): hổ vĩ mép lá vàng, Lưỡi cọp
    YORUBA (èdè Yorùbá): ọ̀já kòríkò (hyena’s girdle), ọ̀já ikọ̀okò (hyena’s girdle), abala (the fibre), pàς̣ánkòríkò (hyena )

    Description: Sansevieria trifasciata is a stemless perennial succulent herb forming dense stands, spreading by way of its creeping rhizome. Its sword-shaped leaves grow upright from a basal rosette, and are dark green with horizontal bands of light gryish-green. It is one of the most commonly grown indoor and tropical garden ornamental plants. Flowers greenish white, to 1 cm long, clustered on a raceme to 75 cm long.
    Derivation of specific name: Trifasciata means the flowers are grouped in threes. The Prince of Sanseviero, Italy, Raimond de Sangro, was an eighteenth-century horticulture benefactor.
    Rhizome: Sympodial, sometimes above ground, sometimes underground, robust, and yellowish 1.3 to 2.5 cm thick.
    Leaves: 1–2(rarely to 6), vertical, very erect, linear-lanceolate and flat, tappering gradually from the middle or above, fibrous, fleshy, (30-)40-120(-150) cm tall, 2.5-7(-9) cm wide, and channelled at the base, banded on both surfaces from base to apex, very distinct light dull green or clear whitish-green and deep grass-green to almost blackish-green, overspread with slight glaucous bloom, margins narrow, dull-green (var. trifasciata) or creamy-yellow (var. laurentii). The leaf surface is smooth.
    Inflorescence (raceme): Erect (30–)40–75 cm high, loosely filled with three to eight flowers per bunch. Stalk 3–8 mm thick The bract is ovate or ovate-lanceolate, pointed, 3-12 mm long
    Flowers:(1–)3–4 per cluster. Pedicels 50–85 mm long, upward-curved green with pale green dots. Flowers pale greenish or greenish-white, perianth is 1.9–2.3(-3)cm long, greenish-white, and scented. The sepals are linear and greenish. The stamens are 0.8 cm long and the style is 1.5 cm long.
    Fruits (berries): Globose, 8-9 mm in diameter, bright orange, and contain 1-2(-3) seeds.
    Chromosome number: 2n = 36.




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