양상추-Iceberg Lettuce식물/들꽃-국화과A(Asteraceae) 2020. 6. 4. 18:53
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Iceberg lettuce, also known as crisphead lettuce, is enjoyed for its mild flavor and crispness. It's a delicious addition to salads and perfect for lettuce wraps. This variety keeps longer than most other types of lettuce, making it a wise economical choice since it minimizes spoilage and waste.
Iceberg is a variety of lettuce with crisp leaves that grow in a spherical head resembling cabbage. It is considered one of the sweeter lettuce varieties like romaine and butterhead. Mature iceberg lettuce grows to about one foot in diameter. The leaves on the outside tend to be green and the leaves in the center go from pale yellow to nearly white as you move closer to the center of the head.
Iceberg lettuce requires a long growing season and the plant prefers cool weather. It needs about 80 to 90 days to reach maturity and will usually be ready to harvest just as the warm weather sets in. It's available year-round in stores because it's grown in temperate climates like California and Arizona for the U.S. market. If you want to grow it at home, the plants can be started as seedlings inside and then transplanted outdoors once the threat of frost is gone. To transplant the lettuce, be sure to choose fertile, moist soil that drains well. Frequent watering will help the iceberg lettuce plants grow quickly.
양상추는 상추의 재배종으로, 양배추처럼 잎이 안으로 둥글게 말려 있는 결구성(結球性) 상추이다.[1][2] 결구상추라 부르기도 한다.[2][3] 잎이 둥글고 넓으며,[1] 흔히 샐러드용으로 쓴다.[2] 양배추와 헷갈려하는 사람들이 많은데, 양배추보다는 단맛이 덜하고 식감이 덜 딱딱한 것이 특징이다.
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