BARBERRY BONANZA GOLD식물/들꽃-매자나무과(Berberidaceae) 2019. 7. 19. 15:56
Berberis thunbergii 'Golden Carpet'
Berberis thunbergii 'Bonanza Gold'
A very dwarf form of the species, ideal for detail use in the garden; superb yellow foliage all season long, excellent contrast plant where very small size is required
This Japanese barberry is a relatively new plant, patented in the USA only in 1993 (PP8215). It is a cross between varieties Atropurpurea and Aurea Nana. The result is a compact, nearly thorn-free shrub, with bright yellow leaves tolerant of sun scald.
Bonanza Gold® is a beautiful choice for borders and group plantings with its bright yellow-golden leaves and mound-forming, low habit. Its growth rate, however, is not as slow as you may have expected from a dwarf plant.
It tolerates most soil types provided it is well-drained. Fully hardy to -34°Chttps://www.havlis.cz/karta_en.php?kytkaid=539
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