description for "Marigolds: Tagetes erecta 'Antigua™ Yellow'"
Antigua™ Yellow Marigold produces blooms of bright, clear yellow. Antigua marigolds are dwarf American marigolds that are early to flower in long days. Great for the landscape. Tagetes erecta 'Antigua™ Yellow' produces blooms of bright, clear yellow. 'Antigua' marigold is a superb, dwarf variety of African marigolds that are early to flower in long days. Great for the landscape. The plant itself is dwarf but the flowers are huge! Easy to grow and useful for cutting. one big advantage of this variety compared with some African marigolds is that it is “day length neutralâ€; in other words they can bloom when ready and don’t have to wait for the necessary number of daylight hours before flowering. They are plants of a profuse branching, compact habit and free-flowering – in other words: lots of flowers with an incredible number of petals. 8-12 ins. [Source:] Marigolds are not fussy; they will adapt to most garden soils. They bloom non-stop for virtually the entire summer. Marigolds are fast growers and are resistant to many disease and pests. Plant in full sun and water during periods of drought. USDA Zones 9 - 11. Marigolds are tender tropical plants and are killed by frost. Grown widely as garden annuals. This is a great plant to grow in the vegetable garden where they can be used to discourage many insect pests, like aphids and carrot root flies. Propagation: The black needle-like seeds can be easily sown directly where they are to be grown - even by young kids. When seedlings are 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) high thin to 12 in (30 cm) apart. They can also be sown indoors and transplanted outdoors when danger of frost has passed. [source:] --edited by dtd siegelgirl
Despite its common name, the African marigold is native to Mexico and Central America. Marigolds were brought from the new world to Europe in the 16th century and have been widely hybridized since.