줄고사리'더피'식물/들꽃-넉줄고사리과(Davalliaceae) 2019. 4. 19. 23:03
Nephrolepis cordifolia 'Duffii'
A compact grower under 12" with arching fronds of tiny round leaves, medium green with a hint of lemon scent. Does best in a north or east window out of direct sun. 60 degrees min. temp, cannot freeze, fertilizer with 1/2 strength 20-20-20. An easy houseplant.
This great little fern does well in a wide range of conditions but best of all is that it is compact in size and is one of the few ferns that fairs well with neglect and does extremely well in moist habitats. It stays under 12" tall and sends creeping runners which sprout new plantlets.http://www.blackjungleterrariumsupply.com/Fern--Nephrolepis-cordifolia-duffii-Lemon-Button-Fern_p_439.html'식물 > 들꽃-넉줄고사리과(Davalliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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