
  • Lantana camara 'Gold Mound'
    식물/들꽃-마편초과(Verbenaceae) 2018. 7. 20. 22:51


    Lantana camara 'Gold Mound'

    Lantana 'Buttercup'

    Lantana 'Chapel Hill Yellow'

    Lantana camara 'Dwarf Yellow'

    Lantana 'Evita Yellow'

    Lantana camara 'Gold Mound'

    General Description

    The heavy-blooming ‘Gold Mound’ is covered with rounded clusters of golden flowers all season. This heat and drought tolerant tropical evergreen shrub is a low spreader that creates a bright groundcover on slopes and wide beds. It is commonly grown as a warm season tender perennial in temperate zones and blooms continuously in dry gardens with minimal care.

    The vigorous 'Gold Mound' has flexible branches covered with a forest of rough, dark green leaves that have a strong, unpleasant smell when crushed. It bears numerous rounded clusters of small, tubular flowers that appear continuously as long as growing conditions are favorable. Like most Lantana, it produces small purple fruits that attract birds.

    This sunny tropical prefers full sun and evenly moist well-drained, average soil. It is highly attractive to butterflies and looks best when planted in masses. The flowers offer continuous brilliant color to beds and containers all season long and may be trained into tree-like standards in tropical zones.

    Lantana camara has been called one of the world’s worst weeds and is highly invasive in in many areas where it is hardy. There are sterile cultivars which may be used in the landscape. For more information about the invasive nature of Lantana, see the report by the Global Invasive Species Database: http://www.issg.org/database/species/ecology.asp?fr=1&si=56

    Lantana camara 'Landmark Yellow'

    Lantana 'Lola'

    Lantana camara 'Yellow Trailing'

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