풍접초 '헬렌 캠벨'식물/들꽃-풍접초과(Capparaceae) 2018. 3. 16. 18:03
풍접초 '헬렌 캠벨'
Cleome hassleriana 'Helen Campbell'과명 Capparaceae (풍접초과) 속명 Cleome (풍접초속) 전체학명
Cleome hassleriana 'Helen Campbell' 추천명 풍접초 '헬렌 캠벨' 이명 외국명 spider flower 'Helen Campbell' Spider flower; Spider plant Family
Botanical Name
CLEOME hassleriana 'Helen Campbell'
Plant Common Name
Cleome, Spider Flower
General Description
Helen Campbell spider flower is a white-flowering form of cleome which is an annual native to Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil. These colorful, sun-loving annuals have fragrant foliage and colorful, highly scented flowers. The habit is very upright, the leaves are divided and palmate –like a hand at the bottom of the plant, undivided at the top and there is a spine at the base of each leaf. The airy flowers are produced at the ends of hairy stalks in loose, globular, un-branched groups in the summer. Each flower has long stamens giving it a spider-like appearance.
Cleome thrives in sandy, well-drained soils and hot weather. Sow the seeds after the danger of frost or grow in containers. Use Cleome in the backs of borders, as bedding plants and as cut flowers. Spider flower does self seed and tends to pop up around the garden.
http://www.learn2grow.com/plants/cleome-hassleriana-helen-campbell/'식물 > 들꽃-풍접초과(Capparaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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