기바이움 하아게이-Gibbaeum haagei Schwantes식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2017. 12. 7. 20:27
기바이움 하아게이Gibbaeum haagei Schwantes
과명 Aizoaceae (번행초과) 속명 Gibbaeum (기배움속) 전체학명
Gibbaeum haagei Schwantes 추천명 기바이움 하아게이
이명 외국명 Gibbaeum haagei
Succ. Pl. 179 1935 nom. inval.
Accepted Scientific Name: Gibbaeum petrense (N.E.Br.) Tischer
Kakteen Sukk. 1: 151 1937http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Aizoaceae/21466/Gibbaeum_haagei
Gibbaeum schwantesii
Kakteen Sukk. 1937, 152
Family: AIZOACEAEOrigin and Habitat: Little Karoo at Lemoenshoek, Western Cape, South Africa
Habitat: Gibbaeum schwantesii is known only from two localities on flat areas among loose, white quartzite pebbles on loamy renosterveld soils within the area of Gibbaeum velutinum.Description: Gibbaeum schwantesii is a white flowering form of the very variable Gibbaeum velutinum. It is distingushed for its slender narrowly triangular, laterally compressed leaves, that are longer more strongly incurved than the shorter, about 6 to 10 cm long and less silvery/grey. It has unequal leaf pairs, with the longer leaf being twice the length as the shorter. The longer leaf of each pair, with almost axe-like, hooked upper end. The flowers are larger (up to 50 mm in diameter) mostly white, but occasionally with a pale pink flush and the flower stalks 3-5 cm long. Like the type species it is very variable. Gibbaeum schwantesii often has a reddish tinge.
Habit: It is a perennial clumping, mat forming succulents. Up to 5 cm tall and 10 (or more) cm wide. The plant is compact with only the upper surface of leaves visible. Although this slow growing species has very small heads, it spreads into grey-green carpets.
Stem: Stems short, woody.
Leaves: Fleshy, narrowly triangular, laterally compressed, about 6-10 cm long, dark green, green, yellow-green, brownish leaves or silvery/grey. The leaves forms unequal pairs, in which the longer leaf is mostly hook-shaped while the short one addpressed to it with a neat cut margin visible close to the the longer leaf. The epidermis is covered by characteristic minuscule branching hairs that give it a silver/velvety appearance. Every year a few new leaves grow from the central stem.
Flowers: Daisy-like, mostly white or cream-coloured, sometime with a pale a pale pink/violet flush, up to 30-50 mm in diameter and long lasting. Pedicel 30-50 mm long. Petals white or white apically suffused in pink, filamentous staminodes white, basally faintly pink, filaments white.
Blooming season: Late winter to spring.
Fruit: Capsules six-chambered.'식물 > 들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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