
  • Austrocephalocereus dybowskii (Rol.-Goss.) Backeb.-디보우스키
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2017. 12. 4. 12:54

    Austrocephalocereus dybowskii (Rol.-Goss.) Backeb.


    Accepted Scientific Name: Espostoopsis dybowskii (Rol.-Goss.) Buxb. in Krainz
    Kakteen (H. Krainz) Lief. 39: CVa. 1968 Krainz

    Origin and Habitat: Eastern Bahia (Rio de Contas Valley) and Northern Bahia (município of Jaguarari), Brazil. Extent of occurrence about 18Km2.
    Altitude: 300 to 750 metres above sea level.
    Habitat and Ecology: It is found in eastern caatinga on gneiss/granite inselbergs or quartzitic rock outcrops, and in some parts of this region the plant dominates the vegetation, forming impenetrable groves. The species has a relatively large extent of occurrence , it has two disjunct locations both affected by several threats which cause a continuing decline in the populations. The major threats are habitat loss for agriculture, cattle ranching, mining, fires and urbanization

    Common Names include: ENGLISH: Cabega
    PORTUGUESE (Português): Cabeça-branca, cabeça-de-velho, homem-velho, mandacaru-de-penacho
    SWEDISH (Svenska): Ullbuskkaktus

    Description: Espostoopsis dybowskii is the only species in the Espostoopsis genus. It is a night blooming cereoid species, mainly branching near the base. The flowers are white, tubular and bell shaped.
    Habit: Plants shrubby, mostly branching basally, producing several erect, unbranched stems, 2-4 m high.
    Stems: Cylindrical, about 8 cm in diameter, with white hairs completely obscuring them.
    Ribs: Numerous (20-28) low.
    Areoles: Furnished with matted yellowish wool and abundant white hairs covering the whole stem.
    Central spines: 2-3, yellow or brown, erect, needle-like, 2-3 cm long.
    Radial spines: Numerous, short, fine, hidden in the areolar hairs.
    Fertile zone: Blooms are produced in a lateral cephalium, up to 60 cm long, consisting of masses of long white wool.
    Flowers: Nocturnal, shortly tubular-campanulate, white, to 4 cm long; pericarpels naked; floral tubes with very small scales less than 1 mm long, otherwise naked. Tepals short, white.
    Fruits: Broadly ovoid, nearly naked, pale pink with white pulp, indehiscent, 2.5 cm in diameter; pericarp thick, floral remains persistent and becoming black.
    Seeds: Black, oval to pear shaped, rough, tuberculate.
    Remarks: The southern form from a disjunct locations shows some differences (notably smaller stems and more exserted olive-brown fruits) that could justify subspecific status.
























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