스토크 '필로우 토크'-[정명] Matthiola incana 'Pillow Talk'식물/들꽃-배추과(Brassicaceae) 2017. 11. 27. 21:08
스토크 '필로우 토크'
과명 Brassicaceae (배추과) 속명 Matthiola (마티올라속) 전체학명 [정명]Matthiola incana 'Pillow Talk' 추천명 스토크 '필로우 토크' 이명 외국명 StockBrompton stock All of us have our favourite colours, and our preference is reflected in our gardens. However, whatever your preference, gardens planted with white flowers, in association with silver, green, or variegated leaves have that certain something.
All of us have our favourite colours, and our preference is reflected in our gardens. However, whatever your preference, gardens planted with white flowers, in association with silver, green, or variegated leaves have that certain something.
Grown as a biennial or short-lived perennial, Matthiola incana are sown in summer and overwintered. They will flower in early spring the following year, providing bunches of fragrant flowers when the cutting garden might otherwise be quite bare. Pick when the first flowers on a stem have opened and other buds will continue to open. one of the most scented flowers in the garden, a few short stems will fill the whole room with its incredible fragrance.
Matthiola is a genus of 55 species. Matthiola incana is a short-lived perennial, native to the lands along the Mediterranean from Spain to Turkey and south to Egypt. It is a plant of rocky cliffs and harsh dry land.
In the US, Jefferson listed "Gilliflower" as a hardy perennial in 1771. This Mediterranean flower is usually grown as an annual or biennial today.http://www.seedaholic.com/matthiola-incana-pillow-talk.htmlThis lovely, semi-woody plant can be grown as either an annual or a perennial, being in flower from May to July, and the fragrant pink or white flowers which give a good summer display are most attractive to bees and butterflies.https://www.plant-world-seeds.com/store/view_seed_item/3420?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI94mwxNrg1wIVl5K9Ch350w5kEAMYASAAEgKgm_D_BwE '식물 > 들꽃-배추과(Brassicaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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