
  • 월세계선인장-[정명] Epithelantha micromeris (Engelm.) F.A.C.Weber ex Britton & Rose
    식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2017. 11. 8. 19:30


    Epithelantha micromeris (Engelm.) F.A.C. Weber ex Britton & Rose


    과명 앵글러-Cactaceae (선인장과) 속명 Epithelantha (에피테란타속)
    전체학명 [정명]Epithelantha micromeris (Engelm.) F.A.C. Weber ex Britton & Rose 추천명 월세계선인장
    이명   외국명  


    Description: Epithelantha micromeris is a miniature globose cactus, erect, unbranched or in small clumps, not deep-seated in substrate, appearing ashy grey and relatively rough in general aspect.
    Stem: Unsegmented, mostly spheric or obovoidal, rarely cylindric, often flat-topped with a depressed centre, 1-5(-9)cm tall and up to 2-4 (-7,5) cm in diameter, occasionally more; surface completely obscured by spines; cortex and pith are not mucilaginous.
    Tubercles: Numerous, not confluent into ribs, hemispheric or short cylindric, very low, ca. 1(-3) mm long arranged in tight spirals around the plant.
    Areoles: Small at tips of tubercles, 1 mm long, nearly circular, elliptic when distended by flower or fruit, slightly woolly when young, copiously woolly only at sexually mature stem apex; areolar glands absent;
    Spines: 20-35(-40) white to ashy grey 2-5 mm long, appressed on sides of stems, straight, terete, slender, innocuous, in 1-3 superimposed series except for a longer (4-12 mm) and erect adaxial tuft on the top, on sexually mature stem apex often greyish or purplish white, frequently with brown bases, collectively forming brown spots at the centre of each spine cluster. The upper radials on the young tubercles longer and connivent over the apex, narrowly clavate, the upper half finally falling off. Spine clusters at the sides of stem 4-5(-7) mm in diameter. Smooth or microscopically roughened by break-up of epidermis, not distinguishable as radial and central spines. In fully adult plants, the distal portions of the longest spines are worn, leaving the apex of the plant covered with short, innocuous spines.
    Roots: Diffuse (usually) or tap-root (in some populations) also tuberlike (see: Epithelantha pachyriza )
    Flower: Inconspicuous, funnelform diurnal, borne at adaxial margins of spine clusters in the plant top. only partly opened just distal portion visible, as they barely stick out above the wool obscured by longer spines at stem apex. Outer tepals entire or sparsely erose-fimbriate; Inner tepals 5-8 per flower, pink to white (rarely yellow), (1-)2-6(-9) × 3(-5) mm; stamens 15-16; ovary smooth, scales, hairs, and spines absent; stigma lobes (2-)3-4(-6), white, to 1 mm.
    Blooming season:: Flowers late winter-early spring (Feb-Apr).
    Fruits: Indehiscent, bright red, thin narrowly cylindric, 3-20 × 2-3(-5) mm, weakly succulent, soon drying and papery, smooth, spineless; pulp absent; floral remnant deciduous. Fruiting late spring-early summer (Apr-Jun).
    Seeds: Blackish, obliquely hemispheric reticulated in 0,5-1,5 mm diameter.
    Remarks: Epithelantha micromeris var. micromeris has some of the smallest flowers among cactus species. Unlike other taxa in this genus, it is Autogamous. Its fruit are known in mexico as "chilitos."http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/6936/Epithelantha_micromeris


























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