레위시아 선셋 그룹-Lewisia cotyledon Sunset Group식물/들꽃-쇠비름과(Portulacaceae) 2017. 7. 9. 22:54
레위시아 선셋 그룹
과명 Portulacaceae (쇠비름과) 속명 Lewisia (레위시아속) 전체학명 Lewisia cotyledon Sunset Group 추천명 레위시아 선셋 그룹 이명 외국명 Family
Botanical Name
LEWISIA cotyledon( Sunset Group)
Plant Common Name
Cliff Maids, Siskiyou Lewisia
General Description
These seed-grown plants of Lewisia cotyledon bloom in sunset tones of yellow, peach, red, salmon, and pink. A fragile-looking but tough-natured evergreen perennial from the Northwest United States, L. cotyledon is grown for its handsome evergreen leaves and its showy sprays of dainty, colorful flowers.
Plants form flat rosettes of fleshy, oval to club-shaped, medium-green leaves that arise from a plump, starchy taproot. The leaves may have smooth or toothed margins. In late spring, the rosettes give rise to airy clusters of delicate, rounded flowers on slender branching stalks. The blossoms often have contrasting stripes. Sporadic summer re-bloom may occur.
L. cotyledon requires porous, slightly acidic to neutral soil, and a cool position that receives neither hot sun nor excessive moisture. A north-facing wall is ideal. Plants often benefit from a gravel mulch. Remove spent leaves and crowded growth. Use Sunset Group lewisias in rock gardens, troughs, and walls.
http://www.learn2grow.com/plants/lewisia-cotyledon-sunset-group/lewisia cotyledon sunset strain과의 구별도 힘들다.
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