긴잎달맞이꽃 '술푸레아'-Oenothera stricta 'Sulphurea'식물/들꽃-바늘꽃과(Onagraceae) 2016. 12. 10. 18:38
긴잎달맞이꽃 '술푸레아'
과명 Onagraceae (바늘꽃과) 속명 Oenothera (달맞이꽃속) 전체학명 Oenothera stricta 'Sulphurea' 추천명 긴잎달맞이꽃 '술푸레아' 이명 꽃달맞이꽃 외국명 Oenothera stricta 'Sulphurea'Common Name: Chilean evening primrose
Reliably flowering for many months, this showy evening primrose may be short-lived but it usually self-seeds very freely so you will get plenty of new plants in subsequent years. It produces large pale yellow almost cream flowers that will open in the evening and fill the air with their incredible heady scent. Native to rocky slopes in Chile it is very tolerant of poor soils and is generally very easy to grow.
http://www.plantadvice.co.uk/plants/annuals-and-biennials/oenothera-stricta-sulphurea/1726'식물 > 들꽃-바늘꽃과(Onagraceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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