스케볼라 세리케아-스캐볼라'타카다'식물/들꽃-구데니아과(Goodeniaceae) 2016. 9. 30. 13:44
스케볼라 세리케아스캐볼라'타카다'
Scaevola sericeScaevola taccada
과명 Goodeniaceae (구데니아과) 속명 Scaevola (스캐볼라속) 전체학명 Scaevola sericeScaevola taccada 추천명 스케볼라 세리케아스캐볼라'타카다' 이명 외국명 Beach Naupaka, Naupaka Kahakai, Half-flower 국표에는 없다.종분류 구분 학명 국명 최종수정일 재배식물 정명 Scaevola 'Mauve Clusters' 스캐볼라 '모브 클러스터스' 2011/12/08 Scaevola 'Mauve Clusters'
국표에는 Scaevola (스캐볼라속)이 한 종 밖에 없다.
Scaevola taccada, also known as beach cabbage, sea lettuce, beach naupaka, naupaka kahakai (Hawaiian), magoo (Divehi), merambong (Malay) and ngahu (Tongan) is a flowering plant in the family Goodeniaceae found in coastal locations in the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific. It is a common beach shrub throughout the Arabian Sea, the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Islands of the Pacific.
It is a large bush reaching up to about 4 m in height typical of littoral zones where it grows very close to the sea exposed to the salt spray, usually on sandy or pebbly soils.[2] Leaves are slightly succulent, about 20 cm long, closely alternate and crowded at the stem tips. They are glabrous with a fleshy-looking yellowish green color. The fruits and flowers are white. Scaevola taccada blooms the whole year round and the flowers have a fan-like shape which gives them the name fanflower or half flower. The fruits float in seawater and are propagated by ocean currents, this bush being one of the pioneer plants in new sandbanks in tropical areas.[3]
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