왕가래나무식물/들꽃-가래나무과(Juglandaceae) 2016. 5. 23. 16:20
과명 - Juglandaceae (가래나무과)
속명 - Juglans (가래나무속)
- Juglans mandshurica var. sieboldiana Makino
- Fl. Jap. (Ohwi) 81 (1965)
추천명 왕가래나무
이명 털호도나무,털호도,섬가래나무,산호두나무 외국명 オニダルミ,Siebold’s Manchurian walnut korea
Juglans mandshurica var. sieboldiana Makino
オニダルミ,Siebold’s Manchurian walnut
juglans ailantifolia carr
Juglans ailantifolia (synonyms J. cordiformis and J. sieboldiana and J. mandshurica var. sachalinensis), the Japanese walnut (Japanese: 鬼胡桃 oni-gurumi), is a species of walnut native to Japan and Sakhalin. It is a deciduous tree growing to 20 m tall, rarely 30 m, and 40–80 cm stem diameter, with light grey bark. The leaves are pinnate, 50–90 cm long, with 11-17 leaflets, each leaflet 7–16 cm long and 3–5 cm broad. The whole leaf is downy-pubescent, and a somewhat brighter, yellower green than many other tree leaves. The male flowers are inconspicuous yellow-green catkins produced in spring at the same time as the new leaves appear. The female flowers have pink/ red pistils. The fruit is a nut, produced in bunches of 4-10 together; the nut is spherical, 3–5 cm long and broad, surrounded by a green husk before maturity in mid autumn.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juglans_ailantifolia삿포로 구북해도청사에서
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