단풍고사리삼식물/들꽃-고사리삼과(Ophioglossaceae) 2014. 6. 13. 11:34
과명 - Ophioglossaceae (고사리삼과)
속명 - Sceptridium (고사리삼속)
- Sceptridium nipponicum (Makino) Holub
Preslia( 45 : 277. 1973 )추천명 단풍고사리삼
이명 외국명 단풍고사리삼
Plants small, winter-green. Rhizomes erect, short, cylindrical, annually producing 1 frond 20-50 cm tall. Sterile lamina: stalk 4.5-19 cm, glabrous; lamina subternate, tripinnate, ca. 10 cm long and wide, herbaceous or membranous, reddish in winter; lower pinnae broadly ovate, long stalked, upper ones much narrower; ultimate segments large, differentiated from lateral pinnules, elongate, 8-15 × 5-10 mm, margin finely serrate, apex acute; veins pinnate, free. Sporophore arising 1.5-6 cm above base of common stipe (or distinctly below middle of common stipe), much taller than sterile lamina, deciduous after spore dispersal; stalk ca. 40 cm; lamina smaller than sterile lamina; sporangia globose, attached on both lateral sides of axes. Spore surface irregularly reticulate with fine granules. 2n = 90.
Forests. Guangxi [Japan, Korea].
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