Satyria warszewiczii Klotzsch식물/들꽃-진달래과(Ericaceae) 2025. 3. 25. 12:25
국표에 없다.
Common name: Myrtle, Fangs, Coral, Coralillo, Muelas, Palo de miel, Grape(1).
Distribution: From southern Mexico to Panama(2). In Costa Rica it is distributed between (200–)500–2700(–3000) meters above sea level in areas of very humid forest, raincoat, cloud, oak and dwarf forest, rocky areas, disturbed areas and roadsides. Both Slopes: All the main mountain ranges, Cerros de La Carpintera. Pacific Slope: Montes del Aguacate, Cerros de Escazú, Cerro Caraigres, S Fila Costeña, Osa Peninsula(1)
Description: Tree, terrestrial or epiphytic, sometimes hanging. Leaves simple, alternate, glabrous, without stipules, with entire laminae, plinervate (marked main nerves). stems glabrous. It has inflorescences with 3–10(–30) flowers that usually grow in leafless nodes. The flowers measure 1.5-3.5 cm and have a red corolla with a white apex. Purple globose fruits when ripe(1).
Propagation Method: Seeds, seedlings.
Resources available for birds: Flowers and Fruits.
Bird families observed visiting their flowers: Trochilidae, Thraupidae (Diglossa plumbea)
Families of birds observed feeding on its fruits: Fringilidae, Passerelidae, Turdidae.
Notes: This species is very similar to Satyria meiantha, but S. warszewiczii is distinguished by its larger leaves and (especially) corollas.
Satyria warszewiczii – Birds & Plants Costa Rica (avesyplantas.com)
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