Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) H.Klinggr.선태식물-물이끼과(Sphagnaceae) 2025. 3. 18. 18:12
국표에 없다.
Sphagnum fuscum, the rusty bogmoss or rusty peat moss, is a peat moss found commonly in Norway and Sweden, and can be found scattered across North America, the United Kingdom, and in southern to eastern Europe.
Sphagnum fuscum is brown to greenish brown in color with slender brown stems. It is individually less robust than other peat mosses, especially when clumped into compact hummocks. The moss will form thread-like branches interwoven within hummocks. The leaves along the stem are tongue-shaped, while the leaves along the branches are pointed and lance-shaped. During the sporophyte stage, the moss will have a short stalk of around 1-2mm, with a brown capsule of about 1-1.5mm. Sphagnum fuscum prefers older, drier bogs to inhabit and will formulate hummocks in such conditions. In bogs dominated by black spruce, S. fuscum will form extensive ground cover. On average, S. fuscum inhabits more acidic soils with ph ranging from 3.6-7.5, and is also able to colonize at high elevations. The moss is circumpolar.
Sphagnum fuscum faces endangerment across much of the globe. Due to reductions in wetlands and development of these areas, the moss is referred to as “high risk” in Germany, while being on several Endangered species lists within some German states. Switzerland has labelled S. fuscum as vulnerable. In the United States, S. fuscum is reported to be at risk in the state of North Carolina. Across Europe, S. fuscum’s habitats are under protection. Germany and Switzerland have both placed the moss under “special protection.”
Peat mosses (Sphagnum) are known to be difficult to identify, especially in the field, because of extensive morphological variation that can blur distinctions among closely related species. The extent to which phenotypic variation reflects genetic differentiation versus environmentally induced plasticity is, however, poorly understood. The common and widespread Sphagnum fuscum is relatively easy to recognize, but two different colour morphs, dark and pale brown, have been observed along the western coast of Europe for some time. In this study, we aimed to test whether the two colour morphs are genetically differentiated, and assess their phylogenetic relationship to the recently described S. beothuk from eastern North America. We used a combination of morphological characters and genetic markers (microsatellites and cpDNA sequences). Our results indicate that the dark colour morph of S. fuscum in Europe is conspecific with S. beothuk from eastern North America. On the other hand, the pale morph of S. fuscum and S. beothuk differ in morphology, are separated genetically, and have different habitat preferences and distribution ranges. The known occurrences of S. beothuk are restricted to the oceanic regions along the North Atlantic coast. It is one of few peat mosses restricted to the amphi-Atlantic region. We show that by combining morphology, genetic data, distributional information, and habitat knowledge, it is possible to evaluate taxonomic uncertainties in Sphagnum. We also epitypify the name S. fuscum.
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