Alocasia aequiloba ‘Gold Dust’식물/들꽃-천남성과(Araceae) 2025. 2. 13. 10:10
국표에 없다.
With leaves shaped like medieval arrow-heads and a painterly speckle of gilded yellow droplets across each leaf, there’s no structural plant quite like Alocasia ‘Gold Dust’ to add shadow and magic to a patio in the evening.
Alocasia (African Mask Plant) – Australian Growing and Care Guide : AGT (aussiegreenthumb.com)
CULTIVAR DESCRIPTION: Alocasia aequiloba ‘Gold Dust’ is a cultivar of Alocasia aequiloba which is characterized by irregular gold spotting on the leaf surface.
Historically, this cultivar was assigned to Alocasia augustiana, which is no longer an accepted species. Further research by Alistair Hay and other botanists has shown that it is in fact just a cultivar of Alocasia aequiloba.
Another name this was known as in the past is Alocasia magnifica ‘Gold Dust’
Product Description
Many golden spots appear on the shiny, dark green leaves, as if the leaf has paint splatters. This variety of the Alocasia aequiloba occurs in nature and is very rare. There are populations in the north and east of New Guinea and on some islands north of it. The leaf also has a striking shape with strongly grown lobes. A leaf can grow to 50 cm in size and the plant does not grow much taller than 1 meter. After a few years, the plant can flower with a green-white inflorescence, followed by orange-red berries with 1 dark brown seed each.
Make sure the soil is well-drained, constantly moist and in a light location without direct sunlight. At low humidity, the leaves can be sprayed regularly with water.
Sowing description: The seed that has already germinated can first develop further in Sphagnum moss. When forming a first leaf, it can be transferred to a well-drained soil with organic matter. For the first development, a temperature of 25-30 degrees C is optimal.https://www.onszaden.nl/Alocasia-aequiloba-Gold-Dust
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