Coronilla coronata L.식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2024. 12. 11. 11:16
국표에 없다.
Coronilla coronata, commonly known as Crowned Coronilla, Mountain Coronilla, Crown Coronilla, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the family Fabaceae and the genus Coronilla.
Vegetative system
The Crowned Coronilla is a perennial, hairless and glaucous plant with a woody stump. The stems are 30 to 70 cm high, herbaceous, hollow. The leaves are alternate, imparipinnately compound, with 7-13 obovate, obtuse and mucronate leaflets, the lower pair attached to the base of the rachis, very close to the stem; the stipules fused, more or less membranous, rapidly deciduous.
Reproductive system
The flowers are grouped in groups of 12–20 in dense terminal umbels borne on a peduncle 6–10 cm much longer than the leaf; the flowers are yellow, foul-smelling, 7–12 mm long; the calyx is broadly capmanulate, shorter than the floral peduncle; the spatulate standard is more or less straightened. The fruit is an articulated, straight, pendulous pod, 25 to 30 mm long, with four slight angles. Flowering takes place from May to July.
Habitat and ecology
The plant is hemicryptophyte. Pollination is done by insects. Its populations are often dispersed. It grows in the colonization stages of grasslands, in scrubland, in light woods, especially on calcareous soil; it does not exceed an altitude of 1,500 m.
Its range covers central and eastern Europe, from central France and southern Germany to Ukraine and the Crimea; it is also found in Turkey and in the mountains of the Near East. In France, its area is limited; it is present in the mountains and plateaus of the centre-east, the Langres plateau, Burgundy, the Jura, the Dauphiné; it is said to have been reported in Champagne and Lorraine
Coronilla coronata - Wikipedia
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