Crocus albiflorus Kit. ex Schult.식물/들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae) 2024. 11. 18. 11:08
국표에 없다.
This name is a synonym of Crocus vernus
In 2014 a wide geographical range of the Crocus vernus complex was studied. As a result there are some newly named species and the re-emergence of many old names, formerly and incorrectly lumped as synonyms under the very broad umbrella name of “Crocus vernus”. We now have the following species names :- heuffelianus, ilvensis, neapolitanus, neglectus, siculus and we still retain vernus as a valid name for some plants.
This is the eminently growable and dependable Dutch stock that has been in cultivation, via Van Tubergen, for many years, consisting mostly of white-flowered plants, some with a small purple throat.
Crocus vernus albiflorus – RarePlants
Aspring- to early-summer-flowering corm, good for naturalising in grass. Foliage is narrow and dark green, starting upright then spreading, and the goblet-shaped flowers may be white or shades of purple
Crocus are dwarf, deciduous perennials growing from a corm, with linear leaves usually with a silvery central stripe, and goblet-shaped, sometimes fragrant flowers in autumn or early spring
Crocus albiflorus|spring crocus/RHS Gardening
'식물 > 들꽃-붓꽃과(Iridaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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