Quincula lobata (Torr.) Raf.식물/들꽃-가지과(Solanaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 12:44
국표에 없다.
This plant is drought tolerant. Does well in part day shade under a mesquite tree or other light cover. Makes good groundcover. In good soil and a little water, it can fill in an area solidly in only three or four months. Give lots of space or thin to fit the space. It blooms until frost, when the top dies, but the roots continue to expand throughout the winter, sending up new growth in the spring for a larger colony each year. WARNING: berries are toxic to humans. Propagation: seed, cutting, stolons.Comments
Blooms March-October. Purple groundcherry grows almost flat on the ground. Flowers have circular shape, with darker bands through the middle of the five lobes, forming a star-shape. Leaves are fuzzy, gray-green, often coarsely toothed or deeply cut, with rounded lobes. Produces a lantern-shaped seedpod. Needs bees to pollinate. Berries eaten by birds and small mammals.Quincula lobata - Native Plant Society of Texas (npsot.org)
Quincula lobata, Purple Ground Cherry, Southwest Desert Flora
Glandular leaves - photos of Quincula Lobata, Solanaceae (americansouthwest.net)
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