
  • Phacelia patuliflora (Engelm. & A.Gray) A.Gray
    식물/들꽃-지치과(Boraginaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 09:27

    국표에 없다.


    Phacelia patuliflora, also known as spreading phacelia, is a flowering plant species belonging to the family Boraginaceae. It is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, predominantly found in open, arid habitats at elevations ranging from 500 to 2500 meters.


    The plant has a herbaceous habit, growing up to 30 centimeters tall, with a spreading growth pattern. Its leaves are simple, alternate, and arranged in a basal rosette, and become progressively smaller as they approach the top of the stem. The flowers are arranged in elongated, coiling clusters arising from stem nodes, with individual flowers being funnel-shaped, five-lobed, and ranging in color from pale blue to violet or lavender.

    [ 이 식물은 겨울에 그 지상부가 완전히 말라버리는 식물로 목질화된 줄기가 없고 해마다 새로운 지상부가 자라는 식물 습관을 가지고 있으며 30 센티미터 높이까지 자라는 성장 패턴이다.그것의 잎은 간단하고, 기초 로제트에서 배열되고, 줄기의 정상에 접근하는 때 점차적으로 더 작게된다.,꽃은 줄기 마디에서 발생하는 길쭉한 코일링 클러스터로 배열되며, 개별 꽃은 깔때기 모양, 5 개의 잎 모양, 파란색에서 보라색 또는 라벤더까지 다양합니다.]


    The plant is commonly known as spreading phacelia, and is sometimes called scorpionweed due to its coiling inflorescences resembling the arched tail of a scorpion.

    [ 그 식물은 일반적으로 퍼짐 phacelia로 알려져 있으며 전갈의 아치형 꼬리를 닮은 감기 꽃차례로 인해 전갈이라고도합니다.]


    Phacelia patuliflora is valued as an ornamental plant, appreciated for its profuse and showy blooms. It is also commonly used as a soil stabilizer in restoration projects, as it has a fibrous root system that helps bind soil and prevent erosion. The plant is also known to have some medicinal properties, with extracts being used to alleviate various ailments, including respiratory infections and skin conditions.

    Phacelia Patuliflora (engelm. & Gray) Gray - Sand Phacelia | Plants, Gardening, Landscaping | Botanikks





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