Drakaea livida J.Drumm.식물/들꽃-난초과(Orchidaceae) 2024. 9. 19. 21:21
국표에 없다.
Drakaea livida, commonly known as warty hammer orchid, is a species of orchid endemic to the south–west of Western Australia. It is pollinated by a single species of male thynnid wasp using sexual deception. The orchid's labellum is similar in shape and scent to a flightless female thynnid wasp. Although the species was formally described in 1842, the description was often later overlooked and other hammer orchids were given the name Drakea livida. It is now known to be, along with Drakaea glyptodon, one of the most widespread of the genus.
[일반적으로 사마귀 망치 난초로 알려진 Drakaea livida는 웨스턴 오스트레일리아의 남서쪽에 있는 난초 고유종입니다. 그것은 성적기만을 사용하여 수컷 thynnid 말벌의 단일 종에 의해 수분됩니다. 난초의 레이블은 날지 못하는 여성 thynnid 말벌과 모양과 향기가 비슷합니다. 이 종은 1842 년에 공식적으로 기술되었지만, 그 묘사는 종종 나중에 간과되었고 다른 망치 난초에는 Drakea livida라는 이름이 붙여졌습니다. 그것은 현재 Drakaea glyptodon과 함께 속의 가장 널리 퍼져있는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.]
Drakaea livida is similar to others in the genus in that it has a single, ground hugging leaf and an underground tuber. In this case, the leaf is heart shaped, about 20 millimetres (0.8 in) in diameter. The leaf is a somewhat glossy olive green with darker lines radiating from the attachment to the stem. The stem is 15–40 centimetres (6–20 in) long, sometimes longer and the stalk of the single flower is 12–15 millimetres (0.5–0.6 in) long.
The flower is also similar to those of other hammer orchids in that the labellum resembles a flightless female thynnid wasp, in this case Zaspilothynnus nigripes. This species can be distinguished by the pointed column, the pointed, upturned end of the labellum and the swollen labellum body. The sepal at the back of the flower is 12–15 millimetres (0.5–0.6 in) long and the two at the sides are 10–12 millimetres (0.4–0.5 in). The petals are also 10–12 millimetres (0.4–0.5 in) long. The insect-like labellum has a "head" about one-third long as the "body" and has a pair of dark projections near its base . The stalk of the labellum, joining it to the hinge, is spotted. The part of the labellum representing the female "body" of the insect greenish- yellow at the top end, spotted with maroon and the lower end is dark maroon in colour and swollen as in Drakaea glyptodon. The "head" part of the labellum is about one-quarter the length of the "body" and may be glabrous or covered with long hairs. Flowers appear from August to the middle of October.
Drakaea thynniphila
Warty hammer orchids are sexual deceivers (theconversation.com)
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