마조르카작약-[정명] Paeonia cambessedesii Willk.식물/들꽃-작약과(Paeoniaceae) 2024. 2. 23. 10:52
과명 앵글러- Ranunculaceae (미나리아재비과) 속명 Paeonia (작약속) APG Ⅳ- Paeoniaceae (작약과) 전체학명 [정명] Paeonia cambessedesii Willk. 추천명 마조르카작약 비추천명 외국명 Paeony majorcan,Peony Majorcan 추천명변경: 캄베세데시작약 -> 마조르카작약 Paeonia cambessedesii is a perennial herbaceous species of peony about 45 cm high. It has pink flowers. The stems, major veins and undersides of the leaves remain purple red, while the upper surface of the leaves turns into a metallic bluish green when fully grown and its lower leaves consist of no more than nine leaflets or segments. This endemic of the Balearic Islands is now limited to parts of northeastern and northwestern Majorca. In English it is sometimes called Balearic peony or Majorcan peony.
Paeonia cambessedesii is a clump-forming, perennial, herbaceous peony, which dies down in the autumn, and overwinters with buds just under the surface of the soil, and may reach a height of 25–60 cm. The reddish purple stem carries several alternately arranged leaves. The lowest leaves consist of nine leathery, hairless leaflets which are lanceolate to inverted egg-shaped with a pointy tip. The upper surface of the leafblade is bluish green with a metallic gloss, while the main veins are reddish purple, and the underside of the leafblade is purple. Each stem carries one cup-shaped flower of 6–12 cm with usually eight (5-10) pale to purplish pink petals, and is said to smell of roses. Within is a circle of numerous purple filaments topped by yellow anthers. The center of the flower consists of three to nine, initially purple carpels, each of which is connected through a thick style with a reddish stigma on top. The stigmas ripen before the stamens, a situation called protogyny. The three to eight (mostly four to six) carpels develop into dry dehiscent fruits (called follicles) of about 6 cm long, that open with a suture along their lengths, and contain initially carmine colored seeds that turn glossy black when fully ripe.
Growth cycle
In February the stalks which have an intense garnet color emerge from the soil. This color is the result of a high concentration of anthocyanins, whose dark color absorbs sunlight and prevents freezing of these young and tender parts early in the year. In March the emerging stem unfolds and leaves and buds become clearly visible. A few weeks later flowering may start. First the stigmas are fertile for a few days, while the anthers remain closed to prevent self-pollination. by the time the ovaries have been fertilized, the anthers mature and pollen can be picked up by insects and carried to other flowers.
In late August, the ripe fruits open and the shiny black seeds can be dispersed. Unfertilised seeds appear as red, soft granules with flat surfaces. The seedlings of this peony usually only appear after several winters. Young plants first appear in early spring and are protected against frost by their high anthocyanin content.
Differences with related species
P. cambessedesii differs from all other peonies as its lower leaves have (seven to) nine entire leaflets, never more or incised, all its parts are absolutely hairless, it has on average more carpels per flower than any other Eurasian herbaceous peony: (3-) 4-6 (-8), and it has nearly always reddish purple stems and undersides of the leaves throughout the season. It is most related to P. russoi, from Corsica and Sardinia, but that species is a tetraploid, and the upper surface of its leaves retain a purple hue even when fully developed.
[ P. cambessedesii는 모든 작약과 다르다. 낮은 잎은 9 개의 전체 전단지를 가지고 있고, 더 많거나 절개되지 않으며, 모든 부분은 절대적으로 털이 없으며, 다른 유라시아 초본 작약보다 평균적으로 더 많은 심피를 가지고 있다. (3-) 4-6 (-8), 거의 항상 붉은 보라색 줄기와 잎 밑면이 있다. 그것은 코르시카와 사르데냐의 P. russoi와 가장 관련이 있지만, 그 종은 4 배체이며, 잎의 윗면은 완전히 발달 되더라도 보라색 색조를 유지합니다.]
P. cambessedesii is a diploid (2n=10) species of hybrid origin, and is, like all other Eurasian herbaceous species, assigned to the section Paeonia. One of the parents of P. cambessedesii is P. lactiflora, the other parent is not fully certain but most likely P. mairei, but P. obovata may also have played a role in the genetic make-up of P. cambessedesii. The tetraploid P. russoi is very likely of the same origin, and could be regarded its sister species.
[ P. cambessedesii는 잡종 기원의 2 배체(2n+10) 종이며, 다른 모든 유라시아 초본 종과 마찬가지로 Paeonia 섹션에 할당되어 있습니다. P. cambessedesii의 부모 중 한 명은 P. lactiflora이고 다른 부모는 완전히 확실하지는 않지만 P. mairei일 가능성이 높지만 P. obovata는 P. cambessedesii의 유전적 구성에서 역할을 했을 수도 있습니다. 4 배체 P. russoi는 동일한 기원일 가능성이 매우 높으며 자매 종으로 간주 될 수 있습니다.]
Paeonia cambessedesii - Wikipedia
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