앵무새부리꽃-[정명] Lotus berthelotii Masf.식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2024. 1. 28. 16:06
과명 Fabaceae (콩과) 속명 Lotus (벌노랑이속) 전체학명 [정명] Lotus berthelotii Masf. 추천명 앵무새부리꽃 비추천명 클리안더스 푸니케우스 영문명 Parrot's-beak,Parrot's-bill,Pea Glory,Kowhai red,Glory pea,Lobster claw Lotus berthelotii is a flowering plant endemic to the Canary Islands of Spain, in the genus Lotus of the pea family Fabaceae. Among its common names are lotus vine flower, parrot (or parrot's) beak, pelican beak, and coral gem. This plant is widely cultivated but is either extinct in the wild or persists as a few individuals. In 1884 it was already classed as "exceedingly rare" and plant collection probably hastened its decline.
Yellow flowered form
Lotus berthelotii is an evergreen prostrate shrub or subshrub, growing to 20 cm (7.9 in) with a creeping or trailing habit. The leaves are divided into 3-5 slender leaflets, each leaflet 1–2 cm long and 1 mm broad, densely covered with fine silvery hairs. The flowers are orange-red to red, shaped like upward facing beaks on short stalks, but slender, 2–4 cm long and 5–8 mm broad.
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