ilex sp.식물/들꽃-감탕나무과(Aquifoliaceae) 2023. 4. 29. 14:38
국표에 없다.
Ilex (/ˈaɪlɛks/), or holly, is a genus of over 570 species of flowering plants in the family Aquifoliaceae, and the only living genus in that family. Ilex has the most species of any woody dioecious angiosperm genus. The species are evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, and climbers from tropics to temperate zones worldwide. The type species is Ilex aquifolium, the common European holly used in Christmas decorations and cards.
The following species and natural hybrids in the flowering plant genus Ilex, the hollies, are accepted by Plants of the World Online. Ilex has the most species of any woody dioecious angiosperm genus.
- Ilex abscondita Steyerm.
- Ilex aculeolata Nakai
- Ilex acutidenticulata Steyerm.
- Ilex affinis Gardner
- Ilex aggregata (Ruiz & Pav.) Loes.
- Ilex alternifolia (Zoll. & Moritzi) Loes.
- Ilex altiplana Steyerm.
- Ilex amazonensis Edwin
- Ilex ambigua (Michx.) Torr.
- Ilex amelanchier M.A.Curtis ex Chapm.
- Ilex amplifolia Rusby
- Ilex amygdalina Reissek ex Loes.
- Ilex andicola Loes.
- Ilex williamsii Standl.
- Ilex wilsonii Loes.
- Ilex wugongshanensis C.J.Tseng ex S.K.Chen & Y.X.Feng
- Ilex wuiana T.R.Dudley
- Ilex wurdackiana Steyerm.
- Ilex xiaojinensis Y.Q.Wang & P.Y.Chen
- Ilex yangchunensis C.J.Tseng
- Ilex yunnanensis Franch.
- Ilex yurumanguinis Cuatrec.
- Ilex yutajensis Wurdack
- Ilex zeylanica (Hook.f.) Maxim.
- Ilex zhejiangensis C.J.Tseng ex S.K.Chen & Y.X.Feng
Some artificial hybrids are also known, including:
- Ilex × altaclerensis (Loudon) Dallim. – I. aquifolium × I. perado
- Ilex × koehneana Loes. – I. aquifolium × I. latifolia
List of Ilex species - Wikipedia
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