Echinomastus warnockii (L.D.Benson) Glass & R.A.Foster식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 12. 14. 17:58
국표에 없다.
Origin and Habitat: West Texas, especially the Big Bend region near the Rio Grande (Eastern Hudspeth and Culberson Co. to Brewster C.), and neighboring Mexico in NE Chihuahua (W of Ojinaga) and expected in NE Coahuila.
Altitude range: 560- 1500 metres above sea level.
Habitat and ecology: Chihuahuan desert. Echinocactus warnockii is common on on short grass grasslands and creosote scrub on gravel hills and benches, in desert on limestone hills, and alluvial flats at at altitude up 900 metres ASL, or sometimes on gypsum at a height of 1350 metres ASL. This species commonly grows under low bushes on the hillsides exposed to the south. The climate is very rough - in summer temperatures may occasionally reach 50 Celsius degrees. Winter is cold - up to minus 20 degrees Celsius. This harsh environment is the home of several other cactus species comprising: Epithelantha, Mammillaria, Escobaria, Echinocereus and Echinocactus mariposensis. Sclerocactus warnockii has a very large range, is abundant, and there are no major threats. Recent field excursions revealed abundant plants of E. warnockii of all sizes and presumably all ages.Common Names include:
ENGLISH: Warnock biznagita, White-flowered cactus, Warnock's cactus, Pineapple cactus, Warnock's Fishhook Cactus, Warnock's Butterfly Cactus
SPANISH (Español): Biznaga-bola AmarillaDescription: Echinocactus warnockii is a solitary blue-green cactus densely covered, but not completerly hidden, by spines. Plants are variable in length and thickness of spines, yet in their colour. Nursery catalogues sometime distinguish two colour variants: f. pallidus with pale yellow spines without violet-grey shade or with brown tips and f. nigrus with almost black spines. Flower colour can range from bright pink to pure white.
Roots: Fibrous and diffuse.
Stem: Single, light coloured, blue-green, ovate to elongated, 7-11(-20) cm tall, 5-7.5(-10) cm thick, with 13-21 ribs, rarely more, well-defined, laterally compressed and forming distinct tubercles. Tubercles about 10 mm long, 6 mm wide.
Areoles: Elliptic, 3 mm wide, about 10 mm apart.
Spines: Dense, almost covering the body.
Radial spines: 12-14-(17), acicular, slightly smaller than the upper 3centrals, but otherwise like the centrals, irregularly radially arranged from the centre or resembling radials, divergent, stiff, and overlapping, although some of the radial spines may be some-what appressed. Upper half of which slightly longer (about 25 mm), lowermost ones 8-20 mm. All the young spines bright red with dark brown tips, later coloured in various shades of tan, dull yellow or brown, grey at the base and "chalky-blue" or blue-grey (rarely reddish-purple) on the distal portion.
Central spines: 1-4(-6), straight. Lowermost one (in adult plants only) with a tuberous thickened base, porrect or pointing downward, 20-25 mm long, other 3(-5) central spines, thinner, spreding, pointing upward. The colour of the central spines is similar to that of the radials, or the centrals, particularly the lower central, may be blue-grey (rarely dark reddish-purple) for more that half of their length.
Juveniles of Echinomastus warnockii have circular areoles in which there is a central region ca. 1 mm across that is devoid of spines, and 11-15(-17) radial spines with blue-grey tips, and often one or two central spines with violet tips. In seedlings that are less than 1 cm long, at least some of the radial spines are pubescent.
Flowers: Near apical, about 23-30 mm long and broad, widely opening white to creamy white, rarely pinkish, self-incompatible. Lower perianth-segments with a distinctive broad green stripe and white or pink membranous margin; uppermost segments lanceolate, 9-12 mm long, about 4.5 mm wide, apex pointed, margin wavy, pink to white. Filaments whitish, pale green, or pale yellow, 3 mm long; anthers dark yellow, oblong, 0.7 mm long; pistil light green, about 10 mm long; stigmatic lobes 5-10, about 1 mm long, light green, erect.
Blooming season: Flowering usually in late winter to early spring (Feb—Mar). Plants produces 1-2 flowers at the same time, opening in early afternoon on warm sunny days, closing at night and reopening again for 2-4 days. Flower production may go on for several weeks.
Fruits: Green, becoming brown when ripe, spherical c. 6-10 mm in broad, with few white, very wide scales, retaining the shrivelled floral remnants until full maturity.
Seeds: Flattened obovate, to subglobular, 1.5 mm long, 2 mm wide and 1 mm thick, black, minutely papillate.
Related species: Echinocactus warnockii is closely related with Echinomastus acunensis, from Arizona, and Echinocactus intertextus from Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.Echinomastus warnockii (llifle.com)
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